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You've got questions... We have answers!

HX-2+ Navigator - User Guide
HX-2+ Navigator - User Guide Welcome This guide is designed to assist you in getting started with your new HX-2+ so that you can explore ASA...
Wed, 31 Jan, 2024 at 11:56 AM
Are there video tutorials available?
The video tutorials featured here are hosted on the Hema YouTube channel. Some videos are specific to a particular model of Hema Navigator, and so...
Thu, 23 Nov, 2023 at 10:03 AM
Why does the navigator get confused when entering a tunnel?
You are driving along a road, which has an exit to a tunnel which runs fairly close or parallel to the main road. If the two are close enough toge...
Thu, 23 Nov, 2023 at 10:02 AM
Positioning Navigation Devices on the Vehicle's Windscreen
What do we mean by "navigation device" A navigation device is any device which you might use as an aid to navigating your vehicle. A Hema ...
Thu, 23 Nov, 2023 at 10:01 AM